- 분류
- 외교안보정책 전문저널 (격월간 영문 저널)
- 제목
- The Asan Forum (2016 March-April)
- 지은이
- Gilbert Rozman 외
- 지면
- 288쪽
- 정가
- 16,000원/14.95 USD
- 2384-423X/9772384423003-11
- 발행일
- 2016년 5월 13일
- 발행처
- 아산정책연구원
- 전화
- 02-3701-7309
- 팩스
- 02-730-5849
- 주소
- 서울시 종로구 경희궁1가길 11
- 담당자
- 김길동
- kildongkim@asaninst.org
책에 대하여
“The Asan Forum”은 아산정책연구원에서 발행하는 외교안보정책전문 영문 저널(격월간)이다. 급변하는 아시아-태평양 지역 외교안보 이슈에 대해, 아시아의 시각과 목소리를 담아 세계에 소개하고 있다. 웹저널(http://theasanforum.org)로도 발간하고 있다.
Special Forum: Sino-Russian Relations and their Impact on Countries in between
Open Forum
National Commentaries: The Indonesia Fishing Boat Incident and Tensions in South China Sea
Alternative Scenarios 1: The Russian Far East
Alternative Scenarios 2: China’s New Silk Roads
Country Reports: South Korea, Japan, Russia, China
Review Articles: Russia’s Turn to the East
편집주간 소개
Gilbert Rozman is the Editor-in-Chief of the Asan Forum. He is also an Associate Faculty member in the East Asian Studies department of Princeton University and Musgrave Professor of Sociology. He specializes in Northeast Asian societies and has compared them, most recently concentrating on national identities. His recent books include: Chinese Strategic Thought toward Asia, U.S. Leadership, History and Bilateral Relations in Northeast Asia, Northeast Asia’s Stunted Regionalism: Bilateral Distrust in the Shadow of Globalization and East Asian National Identities: Common Roots and Chinese Exceptionalism. He received his Ph.D. from Princeton University and B.A. from Carleton College.