기획 조사



  • ● Country Favorability
  • ● Leader Favorability
  • ● Role of the ROK-U.S. Alliance
  • ● Most Important Policy Issue in the ROK-U.S. Relationship
  • ● South Korea’s Future Relationship with the U.S.
  • ● South Korea’s Future Relationship with North Korea
  • ● Most Important Country for South Korea’s Economy
  • ● Most Important Country for South Korea’s Security
  • ● Necessity of the U.S. Forces in South Korea: Future vs. Post-Unification
  • ● Public Confidence in U.S. Extended Deterrence
  • ● Attitudes Towards Developing Independent Nuclear Weapons
  • ● Attitudes Towards Reintroducing Tactical Nuclear Weapons
  • ● South Korea’s Future Partner
  • ● U.S. Global Leadership