아산정책연구원은 2014년 12월 10일 (수) 니심 벤 쉬트릿(Nissim Ben-Shitrit) 이스라엘 외교차관을 초청해 비공개 라운드테이블을 개최했습니다. 벤 쉬트릿 차관은 북한∙이란의 핵 문제를 중심으로 역내 국가들 간 안보 문제에 대해 논의했습니다.
*본 회의는 비공개로 진행되었습니다.
일시: 2014년 12월 10일 (수) 오후 4:00 – 오후 5:15
장소: 아산정책연구원 2층 회의실
Nissim Ben-Shitrit is the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel. Mr. Ben-Shitrit previously served as the Deputy Director General for Asian Affairs (2013) and as Israel’s Ambassador to Japan (2007-2013). He also has extensive experience in senior management positions within the foreign ministry, including Senior Deputy Director General and Head of the Administration Division (1993-2007) and as Director of the Department for Home Base Personnel Management (1987-1993). Mr. Ben-Shitrit also had earlier diplomatic positing in the United States and Turkey. He received a B.A. in History of the Jewish People and a B.A. in Bible Studies from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.