
[아리랑라디오]  2015-9-25

“The Deadly Tragedy to Strike The Annual Hajj Pilgrimage/ Palestinian flag to fly at UN headquarter after 119 nations vote ‘yes’ on September 11.”

As we covered in the headlines and on our News Feed, the nation of Saudi Arabia and Muslims all over the world are mourning, after the deadliest tragedy to strike the annual hajj pilgrimage in more than two decades. For a little more coverage on exactly what this pilgrimage is about, I have on the line       Doctor 장지향, Director of the Middle East and North Africa Center at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies.

1. The fact that so many people are squeezed into too small a space for this event… weren’t there safety concerns about this before this pilgrimage took place? is this how the hajj pilgrimage takes place every year?

2. Do you think this event will change the way the mass event is held in the future now?

UN General Assembly has passed a Palestinian resolution to allow its flag fly in front of the United Nations headquarters in New York, angering Israel and giving hope to Palestinians seeking to gain full UN membership.

3. What was the voting result regarding the resolution stating that flags of non-member observer states like Palestine “shall be raised at Headquarters”?

4. What does this mean to Palestine and international community?

5. What other activities or campaigns do Palestinians implement to achieve their statehood and/ or their recognition?

6. Any implications of this international dispute to Korea, then?


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장지향 박사는 아산정책연구원의 수석연구위원이자 지역연구센터 센터장이다. 외교부 정책자문위원(2012-2018)을 지냈고 현재 산업부, 법무부, 국방부 자문위원으로 활동하고 있다. 한국외국어대학교에서 문학사, 정치학 석사 학위를, 미국 텍사스 오스틴 대학교(University of Texas at Austin)에서 정치학 박사 학위를 받았다. 주요연구 분야는 중동 정치경제, 정치 이슬람, 비교 민주주의와 독재, 극단주의 테러와 안보, 국제개발협력 등이다. 대표 저서로 중동정치를 비교분석한 «최소한의 중동 수업» (시공사 2023), 클레멘트 헨리(Clement Henry)와 공편한 The Arab Spring: Will It Lead to Democratic Transitions? (Palgrave Macmillan 2013), 논문으로 “팔레스타인 지도부의 정쟁과 이스라엘-팔레스타인 갈등의 전망” (아산이슈브리프 2022), 『중동 독재 정권의 말로와 북한의 미래』 (아산리포트 2018), “Disaggregated ISIS and the New Normal of Terrorism” (Asan Issue Brief 2016), “Islamic Fundamentalism” (International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 2008) 등이 있다. 옮긴 책으로는 파와즈 게르게스(Fawaz Gerges)의 «지하디스트의 여정» (아산정책연구원 2011)이 있다.