The Asan Forum

After the Sino-US summit at Sunnylands on June 7-8, 2013, the Chinese idea of a “new type of great power relations” (xinxingdaguoguanxi, 新型大国关系) has, more than ever, attracted attention. During the summit Xi Jinping and Barack Obama emphasized cooperation for international peace and stability and jointly solving global problems. The shirt-sleeve diplomacy between them had some success in reaching agreement on issues pertaining to climate change and the North Korean nuclear threat. However, the meeting also exposed different views and conflicting national interests on a wide variety of issues, such as cyberespionage, arms sales to Taiwan, and maritime territorial disputes in the South China Sea. Although the Chinese “new type of great power relations” stresses peace and cooperation based on equality, mutual benefit, and reciprocity,1 the divergent views and national interests that were exposed during the summit are indicative of serious obstacles along the new path. In fact, after the summit, the Snowden incident, the diverse approaches to resolving the Syrian civil war and North Korean nuclear threats, economic disputes, such as the reevaluation of the RMB, piracy, investment law, and a series of Chinese leaders’ speeches that explicitly reject Western political and social values and institutions have cast a dark shadow on future cooperation between the two superpowers.

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김한권 박사는 아산정책연구원의 지역연구센터장이다. 미국 코네티컷 주립대에서 정치학 학사와 행정학석사(MPA)를, 미국 American University에서 국제관계학 박사를 취득했다. Post-Doc과정을 중국 칭화대 (清华大)에서 마치고 (2008.03-2010.12), 칭화대의 국제전략과 발전연구소의 연구원 (2011.01-08)과 북경대 국제관계학원에서 연구학자를 지냈다 (2011.09-12). 이후 국립외교원 중국연구센터 객원교수로 재직하였다 (2012.01-06). 주요 연구분야는 중국의 외교정책과 민족주의, 그리고 북-중 경협이다. 주요 저서로는 『차이나 콤플렉스』 (공저), (아산정책연구원, 2014); “A New Type of Relationship between Major Countries and South Korea: Historical and Strategic Implications", The Asan Forum (E-Journal), (Dec. 20, 2013); The Implications of the Chinese “String of Pearls” for the U.S. Return to Asia Policy: the U.S., China, and India in the Indian Ocean. Journal of Global Policy and Governance . Volume 2 Number 2 (2013); “중국 당・군 관계의 변화와 북・중 관계 전망: 시진핑 시대의 당・군 관계와 대북 정책,” 국립외교원 외교안보연구소 2012년 정책연구과제 1 (2013년 2월), pp. 281-316. (ISSN: 2005-7512); “The Multilateral Economic Cooperation for Tumen River Area and China’s Leadership” 『국제정치연구』, Vol. 13, no.2 (2010/12) 등이 있다.